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How can I be a considerate customer?

We take pride in fostering positive relationships between customers and Cleaning Professionals, and we're committed to being a fair platform that encourages a positive service experience for both parties. Here are some tips for being a considerate customer:

  1. Communicate with your Cleaning Professional before your appointment. Their phone number will be sent to you once your cleaner confirms your cleaning. You may reach them through the number listed on your dashboard.  
  2. Also, be sure to update your Cleaning, Parking, and Entry Notes prior to your appointment. This ensures that your cleaner is prepared and knows what to expect prior to your cleaning.

Other information that will be helpful for your Cleaning Professional:

  • Accurate address on Google Maps. Your Cleaning Professional will likely be using Google Maps to find your home.
  • Where to throw trash away.
  • How to lock up when leaving if you won't be home.
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