How to Get Slime Out of Clothes Without Leaving Stains

We explain how to get slime out of clothes using supplies you already have at home. Methods for removing wet slime, dry slime, and putty slime.

Slime – a source of fun for kids but the bane of parents when it sticks to clothes, carpets, or other surfaces in the house. And once it’s dry, getting slime out of clothes without leaving stains becomes even more difficult.

So, what do you do when your children mess up their clothes with slime? Whether the slime is wet, dry, or putty, we have all the answers. In this article, we explain how to get slime out of clothes using supplies you already have at home.


Why slime is bad news for clothes

Slime typically contains a mixture of water, glue, and an activator like borax or contact lens solution. Some recipes may also include food coloring, glitter, and other additives. These coloring and pigments are the reason slime stains your clothes.

Stains notwithstanding, slime itself is also difficult to get out of clothes, couches, and other fabrics. But why? 

The simple answer is that slime's dense, sticky texture allows it to cling to surfaces and fabrics. Once it dries, it can be even harder to remove as it may have bonded with the fabric fibers.

The trick to getting slime off anything is to act quickly and avoid letting it dry. If your slime contains borax, you’ve to act twice as fast because it speeds up the process of setting the stain on your clothes. 

Pro tip: Did the slime get on your floor also? Check out our tricks for removing slime from carpets

How to remove slime from clothes

To remove slime from clothes, blot up as much slime as possible with a paper towel before it dries. Next, apply vinegar to the stained area and let it sit for 10 minutes. Loosen the slime by scrubbing with a soft toothbrush in circular motions. Finally, use hot water to rinse once you're done.

What you’ll need

  • Paper towels
  • Ice cubes or hot water
  • White vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or rubbing alcohol
  • Liquid laundry detergent
  • Paper towels
  • Soft-bristled brush or toothbrush

How to remove wet slime

To remove wet slime from clothes, first remove as much of it as possible by blotting fabric with a paper towel. Then apply vinegar and scrub with a soft-bristled brush.

Step 1: Remove excess slime

Use a paper towel to blot out and remove as much excess slime as possible. Be careful not to spread the slime around and act fast. The longer the slime sits, the harder it is to remove.

Step 2: Apply vinegar

Pour white vinegar onto the slime and let it soak for 10 minutes. White vinegar's acidity helps break down the slime, making it easier to remove.

Besides removing slime from clothes, white vinegar is an effective household cleaner that you can use to remove crayon stains or get sharpie marks from your child's walls. The best part is that it’s all natural and safe for use.

Step 3: Scrub with a brush

Use a soft-bristled brush to scrub the area gently. Be sure not to scrub too hard, as this may damage the surface.

Step 4: Rinse with hot water

Once you’re done scrubbing, rinse the cloth with hot water. Wash the affected clothes like your everyday laundry, in your washing machine or by hand.

How to remove dry slime

Removing dry slime from clothes is much more challenging but still possible. First, place ice cubes on the dried slime and then scrape off the top with a butter knife. Then, clean with white vinegar, rubbing alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide.

Harden slime with ice cubes 

Place a few ice cubes on top of the dried slime. The ice will help harden the slime, making it easier to remove. Once the slime has hardened, use a plastic scraper or butter knife to gently scrape off as much of the dried slime as possible. 

If you don’t want to use ice cubes, hot water is another option for removing dried slime. Pour hot water onto the dried slime patch on your clothes. This softens the dried slime, making it easy for you to scrape the top off.

Apply your cleaning solution

Next, apply your cleaning solution to the remaining slime residue on the cloth. You can either use distilled white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or rubbing alcohol.

Whichever cleaning solution you have at home, pour a small amount directly onto the dried slime. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes to soften the slime and make it easier to remove.

Scrub the area

After the cleaning solution has had time to work, gently scrub the area with a soft-bristled brush or sponge. Be sure to use a light touch to avoid damaging the cloth’s surface.

Rinse the cloth

Rinse the cloth thoroughly in warm water, then launder in your washing machine or by hand.

How to remove slime putty

Slime putty is more firm, elastic, and thicker than typical slime. It can get messy if it sticks to clothing. To remove slime putty from clothes, spray with hydrogen peroxide, white vinegar, or 99% isopropyl rubbing alcohol, then scrub with a soft brush. 

  • Use a blunt knife to scrape off excess slime putty gently.
  • Spray the stain with hydrogen peroxide, white vinegar, or 99% isopropyl rubbing alcohol. 
  • Let it sit for up to five minutes.
  • Scrub the slime stain with a soft-bristled brush or toothbrush.
  • Rinse the cloth in warm water. 
  • Wash cloth as usual to remove remnant slime putty and cleaning solution.

Are there slimes that don’t stick or stain?

Slimes are typically made with different ingredients and formulations. This determines whether or not a slime will stick and stain. 

Slimes that usually don’t stick or stain:

Floam slime, made with tiny foam balls mixed into a glue and borax solution, does not stick to everything it touches. This is because the foam balls add a fun texture and help the slime maintain its shape without sticking.

Other types of slime that are less likely to stick or stain are: clear slime (made with clear glue and an activator), fluffy slime (made with shaving cream), and cloud slime (made with instant snow powder).

Slimes more likely to stick or stain: 

Common types of slime, like butter slime, jelly slime, crunchy slime, magnetic slime, metallic slime, and glow-in-the-dark slime, are more likely to stick and stain surfaces and clothes because of their thicker texture and small particles.

However, it's important to note that all types of slime can potentially stain or leave residue, so it's still crucial to handle them carefully. It's also always a good idea to check the specific brand and formulation of the slime before purchasing it to ensure that it has been tested for safety and quality.

Removing slime from clothing FAQ

Answers to your most frequently asked questions about removing slime from clothing.

How do you get slime out of clothes?

To get slime out of clothes, follow these steps: 

  • Scrape off as much slime out of the cloth as you can. 
  • Pour white vinegar on the remaining slime and let it sit for 10 minutes. 
  • Brush with a soft-bristled brush and rinse with warm water. 
  • Wash as usual with a washing machine or by hand. 

What can dissolve slime?

Distilled white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and 99% isopropyl rubbing alcohol can dissolve slime and get your clothes or carpet back to brand new. Simply pour either of these solutions on the slime and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Then scrub gently and rinse.

Does rubbing alcohol remove slime?

Yes, rubbing alcohol can remove slime from any surface: clothes, carpet, or even hair. It works by dissolving the tough bonds of the slime, making it easy for you to scrub and wash it away.

Does slime come out of clothes in the wash?

To get slime out of clothes in the wash, you first need to apply white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or rubbing alcohol to dissolve the slime bonds. Then wash the clothes as usual. If you throw clothes stained with slime into the washing machine without first dissolving the bonds, it will ruin the clothes further.

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Getting slime out of clothes isn’t always easy. Neither is keeping up on the rest of your household cleaning chores. 

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